1. What important knowledge and understanding about the history, culture, and/or experience of the united states can a person learn from watching the film? A person can learn a lot about the history of the death penalty and just about the way that inmates are treated while they are on death row from watching this movie. Also, you can learn how people with loved ones that have been murdered or have murdered someone deal with it. The movie does a great job of portraying an inmate on death row with the use of Matthew Poncelet. He is on death row for the murder of a teenage boy and the rape and murder of a teenage girl. He is sentenced and eventually put to death in the film. The family of the teenagers that he killed takes the death of their children very hard (as any person would). The movie shows how badly they want him to die. And also how badly other people want him to die. This is important in the movie because although Matthew Poncelet did a very b...