Artifact 1: Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States by Helen Prejean.
This is the book written by Helen Prejean about her experiences during her time as the spiritual advisor of two inmates. This would be the best artifact because it is directly from the movie. Dead Man Walking
Artifact 2: Newspaper from the death of Robert Lee Willie
This is a good artifact to have because it is from the exact day that Robert Lee Willie died. He was one of the inmates that Helen Prejean wrote about in her book. Robert Lee Willie

Artifact 3: The Death of Innocence: Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions by Helen Prejean
This is the second book written by Helen Prejean. This would be another great artifact to have at the party because it is by the same author. The Death of Innocents
Artifact 4: Newspaper of Patrick Sonnier's execution
I chose this document because it is from the day of his execution. Just like the one of Robert Lee Willie, this would be a great artifact to have. Patrick Sonnier was the other inmate for whom Sister Helen was the spiritual advisor. Patrick Sonnier
Artifact 5: Letters from Robert Lee Willie
I chose this artifact because it is a letter directly from Robert Lee Willie. He sent it to her while he was on death row. They had already been talking to each other so he was just catching up with her in the letter. Letter
Artifact 6: Electric Chair
I chose to have the electric chair in my exhibit because it is a historical way that people have been executed. It would be good to have this there because it would be good to have some history of the death penalty there. Electric Chair
Artifact 7: Lethal Injection Medicine
I chose to have this in my exhibit because it was the way that all of the people whom Sister Helen was her spiritual advisor for died. It was also the way Matthew Poncelet died in the movie. Medecine

Artifact 8: Bible
I chose to have the Bible in my exhibit because the movie Dead Man Walking is a very Christian-based movie. Also, there are many verses in the bible that involve the death penalty and capital punishment. I believe Helen Prejean would be very happy if I included the bible in my exhibit. Bible 

Your items chosen in the exhibit seem to reflect your movie really well. Also, good explanation.