Works Cited
Death Penalty - In this source, I was able to figure out why people don't like the death penalty, find the arguments they are making against it, and how they plan to stop it.
Robert Lee Willie - This is the biography of Robert Lee Willie. This gave me a lot of background on his crimes and how Helen Prejean found him.
Patrick Sonnier - Just like the Robert Lee Willie biography. This is a biography of Patrick Sonnier. I used this source to get the backstory of his crimes and how Helen Prejean found him
Helen Prejean - This is the biography of Helen Prejean. She is the author of the book Dead Man Walking. This was the best source because it was directly from her website.
Dead Man Walking Book - This is the book, Dead Man Walking. This is the book the movie was based on.
Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights - This is a website for murder victims' families and families of people that have been executed. This allowed me to see the steps people are making to stop the death penalty.
Death Penalty Action - This is another website for an organization that is against the death penalty. This allowed me to see a different perspective of people against the death penalty.
Dead Man Walking - book picture
Robert Lee Willie - Newspaper of Robert Lee Willie
The Death of Innocents - Picture of the death of innocents book
Patrick Sonnier - Newspaper photo from Patrick Sonnier
Letter - Photo of letter from Robert Lee Willie
Electric Chair - Picture of the electric chair
Medicine - Picture of the death penalty medicine
Bible - Picture of the bible
Deviled Eggs - Picture of deviled eggs
Water - Picture of the glass of water
Shrimp Meal - Picture of the first entre
Ramen Noodles - Picture of the second entre
Chess Pie - Picture of chess pie
I can't determine which sources are primary, so I can't tell if you have the required amount. You also have a lot of pictures and don't seem to have much of a variety in your primary sources.